like pigs in clover

Slang definitions & phrases for like pigs in clover

like pigs in clover

adjective phrase

Very happy; euphoric: Paramount's general counsel laughs, ''This part of the job I enjoy. We're like pigs in clover''

[1800s+; probably a euphemized version of happy as a pig in shit; pigs in clover is a children's game first marketed in 1889]

Idioms and Phrases with like pigs in clover

like pigs in clover

Extremely contentedly, as in They had a handsome pension and lived like pigs in clover. This expression alludes to pigs being allowed to eat as much clover, a favorite food, as they wish. It appeared in the Boston Gazette of January 7, 1813: “Canadians! then in droves come over, And live henceforth like pigs in clover.” [ Early 1800s ]